Vacation Visual Vibes
Just in time for spring, Hong Kong Disneyland brings Carnivale of Stars for the first time to its visitors. The magical kingdom theme park is known to offer endless fun through seasonal programs. Carnivale of Stars debuts with a new lineup of activities and attractions. I was fortunate to witness the celebration as Mickey and […]
Wanting to push my mobile photography skills to a notch higher, I intentionally left my mirrorless camera for my ever reliable iSight native camera and took the challenge to cover our week-long adventure around the archipelago of Masbate province. Our itinerary went fast-paced and jam-packed so my decision to capture the Masbateño moments merely on […]
When I sought help from Indonesia-based couchsurfers in Facebook, one common denominator I got from their travel tips is to expect heavy traffic. So I assumed capital city is definitely busy. That’s why more often than not, one would hear there’s lesser to see in Jakarta. Probably because since one’s spent most of his time […]