20 Reasons Why Everyone Should Choose The Window Seat

20 Reasons Why Everyone Should Choose The Window Seat

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Passengers at the aisle get an instant access to the lavatory but they also have the higher chance to be jolted by the rolling store of the flight crew and by fellow passengers on the same row who will use the toilet. People in the middle receive two arm rests but there’s a probability of being sandwiched by two annoying seatmates. As for those who are in the window seat? They inherit more and better.

Here are some reasons (by images) why you should select the window seat the next time you book:

1. You won’t miss the beauty of Mayon Volcano on a take-off or landing.

Mayon Volcano

And yes I failed at this. This was taken with my mobile phone from the aisle seat. I could have been happier if I got the better view at the window seat.

2. You will get the best photo for your mandatory “touchdown” Facebook or Instagram update.

Coron Touchdown

But I corrected my mistake in Busuanga, Palawan. The anxiety riding in a propeller-type aircraft was replaced by immediate admiration of Coron.

3. You will witness the greatness of Rio Grande de Cagayan.

Cagayan River

And enjoy the aerial view of the longest and largest river system in the Philippines.

4. Your faith in humanity will be restored as you catch the sight of how mangroves are taken good care of.

Mangroves of Siargao

The Department of Natural Resources considers the Mangroves of Del Carmen in Siargao as the largest contiguous mangrove stand in the Philippines.

5. You will test again your elementary science knowledge.

Cotton Balls

And you’ll wonder why you become so serious in identifying these cotton ball cirrocumulus clouds.

6. You’ll know why one route from province A to province B takes longer than the other.

Kalibo Antique

And you’ll ponder how Nice People Around live in the mountains of Panay Island.

7. You will imagine how islands of Maldives look like after 50 years.

Maldives Local Island

The local population in the islands of Maldives becomes more dense.

8. You will get a glimpse of how megastructures are built.

Philippine Arena

Taken in 2013, this is an aerial shot of the Philippine Arena, the largest indoor mix use arena in the world.

9. While there are 7,107 islands in the Philippines, you’ll realize that only a percentage is actually inhabitable.

Batanes Island

Only about 2,000 are fit to live in. Pictured here is one of the northernmost islands of Batanes.

10. You’ll be settled that the earth is indeed round and not flat.


You will also love how sunset looks like thousands of feet above the ground enroute to Hong Kong. You will see how peaceful West Philippine Sea and South China Sea are.

11. You will understand how accurate the name of Bucas Grande is literally and figuratively.

Siargao Island

Grand Welcome!

12. You’ll make a promise to go back to Mindanao.

Siargao Island

Because you’ve seen more than what’s shown in the media.

13. You’ll get lucky as you see the most perfect four-leaf clover of the North.


Because according to traditions, four-leaf clover like that of North Luzon Expressway’s interchange represents faith, hope, love, and luck.

14. You’ll catch a quick sight of the country without even stepping on it.

Sri Lanka

Colombo, Sri Lanka looks like any of the provinces away from Manila. We didn’t have the luxury to get down from our stopover bound to Kuala Lumpur from Male.

15. That “Bye, Bitches” moment minutes after the take off.

Beneath The Wings

And you will be so proud of yourself form making the right choice in booking this flight.

16. West Coast of Luzon represent, now put your hands up!

West Coast Luzon

Oooooh Oh Oooooh

17. And as you go back to Metro Manila, reality will suddenly hit you.

Congested Manila

Ugh. The congestion is the reason why you had a vacation getaway.

18. When separation anxiety sinks in, it’s better to cry at the window seat.


Because no one will notice.

So you will pledge again for more adventures.

Maldives Atoll

Goodbye Siargao

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